(Para el curso en español, haz clic aquí)

Rituals & Herbalism Course.
Healing with herbs: Body & Emotions.

Discover the healing & magical power of plants. Follow your soul—this course is for you.

9 online modules: videos + PDF by Valeria Hinojosa (@waterthruskin)

Herbalism & Rituals Course 2024
One time

The power of Mother Nature.

This Herbalism & Rituals course will expand your mind and heart to a deeper connection with nature, and with your own energy.

(keep reading to discover why)

  • Medicinal plants are here to act as a complement to our healthy and conscious lifestyle; they are a mystical and healing tool in our lives.

    Plants have a very magical and beautiful power: they help us prevent diseases, heal, deepen our connection with nature, and help us walk towards our essence.

    In this course, you will not only learn to ritualize your day to day and understand energy but you will also create your own herbal recipes, sahumerios, and natural first aid kit.

  • We will open the doors to a world that is still unknown to many, due to the fast consumption culture in which we live.

    As humans in this modern world, we have given all our power and responsibility to orthodox medicine—hoping that if we ever get sick, the doctors will give us a pill that will make us well immediately.
    The reality is that a "quick fix" - without a change in lifestyle, diet and mentality - does not exist.
    Drugs numb the pain and, little by little, the soul.

    The human body is unique, and it has the necessary wisdom to protect and regenerate itself.

    Medicinal plants are here to share their secrets, natural medicine, and guide us back to the roots we forgot about decades ago.

  • The course is 9 modules. Each module has a video (up to 30 minutes long) and a PDF. You can take the course at your own pace and time.

  • All modules are open. You can take them at your own time, and all modules will be available to you for 1 year.

  • Once you register, you will be able to create a profile on our page with your own password.

    Once you sign in, you will see 9 modules you can take online at your own time for 1 year.

  • -9 modules
    -Downloadable PDF guides
    -Herbal recipes
    -10% discount on our retreats
    -10% discount on our products, guides and other courses
    -Affiliate code to earn 10% commission if your friends register for the course. 5% discount for your friends on their first course.

  • We are offering this course in both English and Spanish. For the Spanish one, click here.

  • This course is for all people who want to deepen their connection with nature, or have not yet discovered how they can communicate with it and ask permission to heal through it.

    The course is for all levels, and we will start from the basics to the most advanced.

  • I am not a doctor, nor did I study modern medicine.

    This information is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as a recommendation or endorsement of any particular health or medical treatment.

    Consult a health care provider before undertaking any herbal treatment.

    All the advices that I’ll give you about Herbalism are based on my studies and my own experience using plants to heal.

Just like plants have medicine to share amongst them and with us, we (humans) too have cosmic energy to irradiate into the world.

Module 1A:
What is holistic medicine?

Valeria will talk about the differences between modern and traditional medicine, how to listen to and read your body. She will teach you to see symptoms as messages your body wants to communicate with you, instead of seeing it as something negative. Herbalism plays a very important role in healing.

Module 1B:
The basic foundation of Herbalism

In this module you will discover the essence of Herbalism—the fundamental rules, the sacred numbers, the connection between the plant world and humans, and the tools you will need to create your own Herbalism room or corner.

Module 2:
How to harvest & preserve herbs?

We will delve into the rituals of asking plants for permission, how to cut them correctly so that they continue to grow, how to preserve and dehydrate them, and how to store them correctly. We will also cover the rules of herbalism, and how to reuse and sanitize containers.

Module 3:
Uses of dehydrated herbs

In this module, Valeria will show you how to make your own products with dehydrated herbs. You’ll learn to make salts (for bath and for cooking) and sahumerios (incense blends).

Module 4:
How to make an infusion?

You will learn about the correct temperature of the water, which ingredients go first, which ones need to be pounded in a mortar, how long to steep, and the different methods and processes for making herbal infusions. Valeria will also give you herbal recipes to prevent or alleviate different symptoms and diseases.

Module 5:
How to make herbal-infused oils?

This module is one of our favorites. Here, Valeria will teach you how to create your own herbal oils without the need of a distiller. These oils can be made at home with basic tools, to be used for massages, beauty products, vaginal suppositories, ointments, and more.

Module 6:
Medicinal uses of herbs

In this module, we will create different herbal recipes to reduce fever, heal burns and cuts, relieve menstrual cramps, reduce skin allergies, reduce inflammation of styes, detoxify the body, relieve colds, and cure vaginal infections.

Module 7:
The secret of Hydrosols

This is another topic that excites us since we don't talk about it or share it enough. Hydrosols are herbal water extracts that are obtained in the distillation process of essential oils, in much larger quantities than the essential oil. In the essential oil industry, hydrosols are seen as waste, when in reality they have many medicinal benefits! In this module, Valeria will teach you how to distill them and what to use them for.

Module 8:
The reality of essential oils

Probably, on our platforms, you’ve already heard us share the devastating reality of the essential oil industry when it comes to nature and our people. Essential oils, at the corporate and commercialized level, are not sustainable or ethical. In this module I’ll explain more, and will teach you how to distill your own oils with herbs that you grow, and how to use them consciously.

Module 9A:
Rituals & Energy Cleansing

This module is very special because I will share it with my Mayan teacher and guide, who has the wisdom of an ancestral lineage of healers. We will talk about the frequencies of the body, what energy is, how to clean energy at home and in others, how to use a copalera correctly, what herbs to use for energy cleansing, and how to make your own incense for the copalera.

Module 9B: Altars and

This will be the final module. In it, I will teach you to find a space at home to create an altar where you’ll set your intention each day, and what elements to use in your altar.

Herbalism & Rituals Course

Online with 1-year access.

Online Modules: Videos and downloadable guides

$457 usd

In one full payment

One payment of $457 usd that will be processed to your card as soon as you place your order. You’ll be able to create an online account with a password on our site, where you’ll access all member courses.

*(Choose the “1 Payment” option & click on “Reserve my spot”).

Herbalism & Rituals Course 2024
One time

$152.33 usd

In three payments

To make it more accessible, we created a 3-month payment plan. You’ll also be able to create an online account with a password on our site, where you’ll access all member courses.

*(Choose the “3 Payments” option & click on “Reserve my spot”).


 ¿Who will teach you?

Valeria Hinojosa -

Many of you, perhaps, already know me through my platforms as @waterthruskin. If so, thank you for the constant support and love!

My name is Valeria Hinojosa and, here’s a little bit of my story.
I left the banking industry 9 years ago to create my platform with tools and information on sustainable living. In the process, I also earned a Yoga certification (YTT 200), and immersed myself in the world of natural and holistic medicine.

I recently made another big change: I changed my fast-paced life, after living in Miami for 14 years, for a small town in Mexico to deepen my knowledge of herbalism, eco-responsible home design, plant-based cooking, organic and syntropic gardening, yoga and holistic therapies.

Herbalism reached my life over 8 years ago. I’ve been studying it ever since and, during the past year, I have learned about medicinal plants and rituals directly from healers, X'men, and shamans with ancestral lineage. All this wisdom, unfortunately, is being lost with the new culture. The purpose of these courses is to honor that knowledge and support the remaining teachers. (Some will be special guests in the courses).

My work has achieved coverage in: Forbes, Vogue, WWD, People, Elle, Telemundo, Ellen Degeneres, El País, Robb Report and many others.